Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Double Ugh.... (and some cute pics too!)

It's Baby Mozart! The little nightgow she is wearing
I used to wear as a little baby! My parents kept a lot
of my clothes so Kara has been able to wear some of them
and it's so darn neat!! She LOVES this mini piano which is a family
heirloom! My mom used to play with it, I played with it and now my
little Karakins gets to play with it!

It's SUMMER time in good ol' Florida!

Loving the pool!

Kara has officially learned how to dig through Mommy's purse!
Here she is trying to dig with Kasey and Mr. Cody eyeing her ;)

So Kara got sick last week and she decided she wanted to be so loveable as to share it with Mommy. Yep, we are both sick. :( Daddy hasn't gotten it (yet) but it's been an awful weekend and last couple of days. I have come to realize that babies and kids are little germ magnets and love to share with the rest of the familt! LOL Anyways, I feel better than I did, but still not 100% by far. I have a lunch meeting for work tomorrow and my voice is still horrid. I sound like that Judge Maria on tv... you know who I am talking about? Gosh, it makes me wonder how she got the gig on tv! Her voice is so low and sounds like she smokes a lot... it's gruff. Well, that's how my voice sounds and it's so embarrassing. I just want to feel better!
Oh, but guess what?! I have been busy blending the fall and holiday oils and WOWSERS! There are so dang good ones! I will probably be announcing them the first week of Sept. Behind the scenes on my website I'm adding a nice listing of holiday and fall blends (not viewable on the site yet) so it will be easier to shop for fall/holiday scents :) I am trying to do more blends of oils so they are unique and different. I'm always one for trying to be different! LOL

Anywho, that's the update here at Kara's Royal Castle ;) I'll add a few more recent photos of her below. She recently went to a pool party for one of the children she used to go to daycare with.... she turned one. Kara had a blast in this pool type thingie that sprayed water. It is so darn neat that I am on the hunt to get one. Apparently toys r us has them but living in this rural area we don't have toys r us so I have to order online. GAH! Anyways, enjoy the pics!

1 comment:

Shizznizzle said...

OMG she's so cute, kelly !
